A new chapter of book is out: Body, action, and space representations in people affected by spinal cord injuries. 04-08
A new chapter of book is out: Body, action, and space representations in people affected by spinal cord injuries. 04-08
A new article is out: Cognitive Training Improves Disconnected Limbs’ Mental Representation and Peripersonal Space after Spinal Cord Injury 09-13
A new article is out: Cognitive Training Improves Disconnected Limbs’ Mental Representation and Peripersonal Space after Spinal Cord Injury 09-13
A new chapter of book (in Italian) is out: Una città in carrozzina: fragilità e risorse per la mobilità delle persone con disabilità motoria. 06-16
A new chapter of book (in Italian) is out: Una città in carrozzina: fragilità e risorse per la mobilità delle persone con disabilità motoria. 06-16